Sunday, July 31, 2005

White Clover @ 5 wks

Score: FarmerJohn 1 Rabbits 1 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Rabbit repellent

Sprayed on rabbit repellent--Bobbex--a high priced mixture of garlic and blood. After a couple of weeks and light rain, rabbbits have left baby clover alone and some isolated buckwheat that germinated later is still around as well. Encouraged but expect that the salad bar is not yet closed.

Sunday, July 03, 2005


Planted a section of the arroyo bank with buckwheat or more fondly "buttwheat." It's germinated in 3 days with sprinkling 3 or 4 times a day. Days have been mid-80's, light wind, but very hot sun. Using the buttwheat to pre-empt generations of weed seeds in the recently disturbed ground around a new casita. In addition we're hoping for some soil stabilization on the edge of the ditch and till under the buckwheat at a green manure.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Clover germination

first clover germination July2 Posted by Picasa

Began sowing white clover in arroyettes this week using an 8:1 mix sand:seed with some binder . Moistened seed bed 3-4 times a day. We're having temperatures in the mid 80's. By week's end, clover had surface germinated by the book -- 3-4 days with summer temperatures. Exciting to be working with seeds.