Monday, May 29, 2006

Ornamental Grasses Update end of May

Many of the clumps have not shown signs of life as yet. First to show new growth have been Miscantus sinensis "autumn light" and "giganteus".

Daytime temperatures are warming to the high 70s and low 80s. Drip irrigation is functioning. We are being subject to high dry winds and no precipitation. Looks like more water may be called for until grasses become established. Going with twice a week deep watering for 4 hours with .5 gallon emitters spaced every eighteen inches. At this rate a large moist ovoid is created below the surface and there isno runnoff or muddying of the adobe soil.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Triticale in arroyette, Fall seeded.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Bur Oak/Golden Banner Failed

Bur Oak died back to the ground. Most likely it was overwatered and never recovered.

Spring Planting of Ornamental Grasses

Ordered 6 varieties of grass from, a major nursery specializing in ornamental grasses. 175 field clumps were planted with assistance. Cold hardy varieties were chosen -- Zones 3-5 with emphasis on those that do well in heavy clay soils. All are warm season grasses.

Miscanthus sinensis Adagio
Miscanthus sinensis Gracillimus
Miscanthus sinensis Giganteus
Miscanthus sinensis Silberfeder
Miscanthus Purpurescens
Panicum vigatum Cloud Nine

Disappointed with the field clumps we received. Hardly clumps, most were a few roots and about quarter of the total actual clumped. Now awaiting warmer soil temperatures -- over 75F.