Monday, August 08, 2005

Ornamental Grasses

Exploring ornamental grasses for Spring planting. Ornamental grasses look promising for improving soil structure, erosion control, and aesthetics. Our water regime -- capturing runoff in the relatively self-contained arroyos supplement by drip irrigation, and partial protection from the dessicating winds from the SW, suggests that these grasses might do well amidst the Big Sage country which surrounds us.

The bones of the plan continues to evolve.

+Seeding Little Bluestem for outer bank erosion control.
+Miscanthus sinenis Morning Light for wetter East side outer bank.
+Calamagrostis acutiflora Karl Foerster for South side arroy which also receives roof runoff.
+ Sorghastrum nutans for seeding in the arroyos. Later planting of Miscanthus sinensis Purpurascens for arroyo highlights.
+Muhlenbergia rigens for wind-exposed North side outer bank.
+Seeding Nasella tenusssima and Sporobolus heterolepis for inner banks and erosion control.
+Panicum vergatum Heavy Metal -- somewhere.


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